Accelerate ecommerce development with Hydrogen + Oxygen

Accelerate ecommerce development with Hydrogen + Oxygen

Hydrogen + Oxygen
Build fast, headless storefronts with a React-based framework built by Shopify, for Shopify. From pre-built components and starter templates to hooks and utilities that map directly to Shopify’s APIs, Hydrogen gives you the tooling you need to accelerate development. Once you’re ready to launch, deploy your site directly to the edge with Oxygen, our global hosting solution that’s just a simple “git push” away.

Framework features
Accelerated commerce development

  • Multiple starter templates, including a fully built-out demo store
  • Pre-built components, hooks, and utilities that make working with the Storefront API easy

Opinionated yet flexible

  • Hydrogen ships with defaults like Tailwind CSS and support for TypeScript
  • Works with the tools and integrations you prefer

Optimized for performance

  • Streaming server-side rendering with Suspense and caching policies unlock fast first-renders and progressive hydration
  • One of the first frameworks built on React 18

Apps available for Hydrogen
Explore them here!

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